Wood Destroying Organisms

 Wood Borer (Drywood Termite)

The Wood borer beetles are able to live completely inside timber structures or articles made of wood such as furniture without any outside source of water. It is frequently introduced into new locations inadvertently, and causes damage to the structural timbers of buildings and to wooden objects such as furniture.

Cryptotermes brevis infests sound softwood and hardwood timbers, both structural wood in buildings and moveable objects. Several colonies can co-exist in a single structure and objects as small as picture frames can be attacked. The pseudergates excavate galleries through the timber but leave a thin veneer of surface wood intact. In the later stages of an infestation the surface of the object may bulge or blister. Small holes known as "kick-out holes" 1 to 2 mm in diameter are sometimes made through which faecal pellets can be pushed out, accumulating in a conical, dusty pile below. The pellets are hexagonal in cross section and vary in colour, having one rounded and one tapered end, a shape characteristic of Cryptotermes brevis.

Other signs of infestation are the swarming of alates or the presence of shed wings. Cryptotermes brevis is more destructive in habitations than other species in the genus Cryptotermes which require a moister environment.

Our no-gas treatment involves treating the infested timbers or furniture using a registered wood preservative. The penetration of the chemical is vital to ensure a successful treatment. To this end we mix with the registered wood preservative a chemical that allows for better penetration into the wood. Untreated, clean timbers can also be treated as a preventative method what methyl bromide gas fumigation can't offer.

This registered wood preservative contains a high level of insecticide to provide long term protection and also to control and eradicate wood boring insects in infested timber.

No need to vacate the structure. Our wood borer treatment is covered by a 12 month guarantee.


Subterranean Termite (Commonly known as White Ants)

Subterranean termites (white ants) are the most destructive and frequently encountered kind of termite found. Although they nest in soil, subterranean termites can attack structures by building tubes that connect their nest to wood in structures. 

Subterranean Termites live in colonies underground, sometimes beneath lawns, from which they build tunnels in search of food like wood and the stolons and stalks of lawn. They are able to reach food above the ground level by building mud tubes.

Subterranean termites feed on wood or other items that contain cellulose, such as paper, fiberboard, and some fabrics derived from cotton or plant fibers. Termites have protozoa in their digestive tracts that can convert cellulose into usable food.

Liquid termiticides are usually applied completely around and underneath a structure covering all areas where termites might gain access. For new construction, this is accomplished by treating the graded soil and foundation walls before the slab is poured. For an existing building, the perimeter of the foundation is drilled, then treated with termiticide. The goal of the treatment is to put a chemical barrier between the termites in the soil and the structure above. 

Our full subterranean termite (white ant) treatment is covered by a 6 year written guarantee.

The termiticide we use is not a repellent but allows the termites to move through it, taking it back to the nest, destroying the colony in this way.


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Tel : 031 220 2101

Cell : 061 442 3178

Email us: admin@pestman.co.za


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