Entomologist Certificate

The Entomologist Certificates for termites and wood destroying organisms are commonly required for property transfers in the coastal areas of South Africa, KZN included.

A clause that requires the seller to produce a valid Entomologist Certificate for Wood Destroying Organisms, like wood borer and subterranean termites (white ants), is normally included in the sales agreement between the seller and purchaser.

Our Government Registered and approved Inspectors of Termites and Wood Destroying Organisms will inspect the property for evidence of wood-destroying insects i.e. subterranean termites, drywood termites (wood borer) and woodborer beetles. (See: Woodborer and Termites)

If infestation is found, the affected timbers or structures will need treatment to eradicate the infestation before an Entomologists Certificate may be issued. 

Our inspectors are certified and qualified and registered with the Government as Inspectors and Eradicators of Termites and Wood Destroying Organisms.

  Have a question or want to make a booking?
Call us on


Tel : 031 220 2101

Cell : 061 442 3178

Email us: admin@pestman.co.za


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